British Airways cheapest flight from London to Paris

AirFlights.TO survey
5 Oct 2007 flights
survey on 9 Sep 2007

British Airways planes lineupBritish Airways is offering the cheapest flight from London to Paris. British Airways flight BA0324 takes off from London Heathrow (LHR) at 1900 and lands in Paris Charles de Gaulle (CDG) at 2115 (on the 5th October 2007). In the survey flights of Air France, British Airways, easyJet, KLM and Ryanair were compared on the 5th October 2007, leaving London for Paris between 1700 and 2000.

Overall flight prices from London to Paris are still high, averaging £209. A cheaper option than flying is to take the National Express bus from London to Paris. However, you need to have 12 hours available and patience - the wait at Dover for the ferry is 100 minutes.

Survey date

Flight date

Air France

British Airways



National Express


9 Sep 2007

5 Oct 2007



£63 ¹

£342 ²

£34 *

£155 **

[Survey of coaches, trains and flights from London to Paris,
leaving between 1700 and 2000 (London time).]

¹ easyjet charge extra for checked-in luggage. KLM (economy class) allow 2 pieces of checked luggage weighing up to 23kg in total. British Airways (World Traveller and Euro Traveller) allow 1 piece of luggage weighing up to 23kg. Air France (Temp class) allows 2 pieces of checked luggage weighing up to 23kg in total. All airlines charge extra for non-standard sized baggage.

² Only business class tickets were available.

* coach/ferry, excluding travel insurance ** train

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